Supreme Wealth Alliance Review

Review on Supreme Wealth Alliance Online Opportunity


This Supreme Wealth Alliance payplan  is similar to Pay Plan # 1 because it pays commissions per sale per level. However, the main differences are the following...

Pay Plan # 5 does not have a spillover feature, so all direct referrals go to the first level of the referrer. Just like Pay Plan # 2, this pay plan focuses in providing huge benefits to strong referrers. (The other pay plans provide great benefits to 'not-so-strong' referrers. So overall, the All Pay Plans program is very well balanced and is a definite win-win-win for everyone.)

In Pay Plan # 1, you can only have 2 in your first level. In Pay Plan # 5, you can have unlimited in your first level. This factor enormously increases the leverage power of your organization.

After 6 months, a member gets to renew their position in this pay plan and gets to earn all over again from their downlines who renew. Positions and referrer information remain the same (inactive members are 'flushed' so the renewed structure is compressed).

The diagram below shows the possible earning potential of Pay Plan # 5 if you only refer 3 who each refer 3 and so on, up to the 10th level...